Latinos Slam Proposals To Change Arizona Elections

Latinos Slam Proposals To Change Arizona Elections

Election 2012 with its surge of Latino voters, increase in impossible-to-track campaign donations, and hotly fought ballot measures — is reverberating at the Legislature in a flurry of bills that seek to remedy the problems exposed by last fall’s contests.

But many of the bills, including three approved in the Senate last week, could backfire. County elections officials promoted much of the legislation in the name of trying to avoid a repeat of last fall’s issues, when a flurry of provisional ballots caused final results to be delayed for more than a week. Many voters were forced to file provisional ballots because their names appeared on early-voting lists.

But new restrictions could alienate voters and lead to further confusion, if not lawsuits, critics argue.

Before You Go

Occupied America: A History of Chicanos, by Rodolfo Acuña

Latino Books Once Banned In Arizona

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