Instagrammer Jason Ho Reunites Boy With His Lost Stuffed Bunny (PHOTOS)

LOOK: The Great Instagram Bunny Rescue

Last week, Instagram users banded together to bring a lost stuffed bunny back to a Los Angeles boy named Max.

On Wednesday afternoon, filmmaker Jason Ho decided to take a walk along the Venice Canals in Los Angeles, right next to little Max's neighborhood.

Ho is a consummate photographer. "I prefer pictures to words and am on Instagram more than any other social media," he wrote on his personal blog.

A self-described toy collector, he's drawn to childhood remnants and anything invoking memories and nostalgia. The only thing he Instagramed on his walk was a picture of lonely bunny lying on the pavement.

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instagram bunny rescue

Several hours later, Ho noticed that he'd been tagged in a post about a lost brown bunny by an unknown Instagram user.

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instagram bunny rescue

"This sketch inspired another Instagram user to do a search... [and] they were able to find the photo and my username," Ho wrote on his blog. Another user connected Ho to Max's parents.

He sent the family an approximate map of where he'd come across the bunny, and the next day, Ho was tagged in another, happier post.

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instagram bunny savior

The stuffed toy was a gift from Max's grandmother, who recently passed away. This, according to Ho, "made it a double-happy ending."

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