Kevin and Christine Williams Give Away £22,500 Raised For Sick Daughter To Little Boy With Cerebral Palsy (PHOTOS)

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When Abigail Williams was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Batten's Disease, her parents Kevin and Christine Williams fought hard to help her get better. With the help of donors, they raised £22,500 (approx. $33,600) in the hope that stem cell treatments could make a difference to 7-year-old Abigail's life.

But after doctors told them that further treatment wasn't an option, the Williams family decided to give away the money to 3-year-old Kyle Weaver.

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kevin christine williams

Kyle lives just 10 miles away from the Williams' home in North Wales. His parents, like Abigail's, have been doing all they can to give their child a better future. Through Kyle's Miracle Wish fund, they have been working to raise money for a trans-Atlantic surgery that would enable Kyle to walk for the first time.

Abigail’s disease, on the other hand, shows little promise of improving. Due in part to the rare nature of Batten’s, treatments are still in development and as of now there is no cure. Most patients succumb to the illness in their teens or early 20s. Abigail already underwent an unsuccessful stem cell treatment in China before doctors said it was unlikely they could help her further.

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kevin christine williams

“It’s not fair for us to have £22,500 sitting in a bank while hoping for a cure that may never come – while another little boy is sick and needs the money for an operation," Kevin Williams told the Daily Mail.

Simon and Samantha Weaver need to raise £58,000 (approx. $87,000) to cover all the expenses for their son's surgery in America. Despite having never met the Weaver family, the Williams donated nearly half the sum needed for Kyle and brought their current total to £42,000 (approx. $63,000).

"We are shocked, astounded and amazed at the Williams’ generosity," Simon Weaver told the North Wales Weekly News, "We really can get going with the surgery now." Kyle's operation has been booked for May 21 at St. Louis Children's Hospital in Missouri.

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The Williams can take comfort in the fact that the outpouring of support Abigail received will not have been in vain. "We still owe a large debt of gratitude to the public for what they did for Abigail," Kevin Williams told the Telegraph. "It’s Kyle’s money now – his needs are more imminent than Abigail’s. Hopefully people who donated will understand.”

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