John Boehner: Republican Party Needs To Do A 'Better Job Of Articulating' Its Principles

John Boehner Reveals What GOP Needs To Do Better

Count House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) among the Republicans who think their party could do a better job attracting voters.

In an interview with CQ Roll Call published late Sunday night, Boehner leveled on areas where the GOP can improve its standing.

"Our principles -- things like freedom and responsibility -- are eternal, but we’ve got to do a better job of articulating those principles and ... translating them into common-sense solutions that will help middle-class families and small businesses," Boehner said.

Back in August, the Republican Party platform was premised on salvaging the "at risk" American Dream, through "profound changes in the way government operates; the way it budgets, taxes and regulates." Among the policies put forth: ending abortions and same-sex marriages, bringing Medicare into a voucher-based system and cutting taxes to stimulate economic growth.

Voters spoke in November, with a majority choosing to stray away from the GOP. Democrats maintained the presidency, picked up two seats in the Senate and added eight spots in the House. Perceived GOP extremism may have been a factor in that swing, with a December CNN/ORC poll finding that 53 percent of Americans found the party to be beyond the mainstream.

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