Ellen DeGeneres Goes Brunette: Talk-Show Host Tweets Photo Of New Hair

Ellen Goes Brunette ... Or Not

Ellen DeGeneres has gone brunette -- or at least that's what she wants us to think.

It's unclear whether a tweet the talk-show host posted Monday night is simply an April Fools' Day joke, but in it DeGeneres includes a photo of herself with auburn brown hair, a stark contrast from her signature blond locks. She is standing in front of a framed photo of an equally brunette Reese Witherspoon, who recently dyed her hair brown for a movie role.

We're not sure this is the best look for DeGeneres, but it's also fairly likely the new do is a result of some well-done Photoshopping. Then again, perhaps this funny lady truly was looking for a makeover.

Either way, plenty of people seem to be reacting to the change. Less than 12 hours after the tweet was composed, nearly 1,500 people had retweeted DeGeneres' photo.

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