Facebook 'Home' For Android Commercial Released

WATCH: Ad Offers First Real Look At Facebook 'Home'

Facebook's new commercial for its "Home" phone software is more evidence that Facebook continues to take itself really seriously.

In the new ad, Facebook pushes the idea that the social network is meant to connect us to one another, and that Home will help users do that better than ever before. It has a similar vibe to Facebook's first video ad, which compared Facebook to chairs.

As strangely self-serious as the commercial is (does it remind anyone else of Apple's advertising?), it does do a great job of highlighting one of Home's coolest features: the ability to chat with friends without closing whatever app you're already using.

With Home, Facebook wants to become your default social network, news source and method of communication. Whether it will be successful remains to be seen, but props to Facebook for making such a bold move.

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