Vladimir Putin Dog Photo: Russian President Poses With Dogs In Snow In Latest Bizarre Press Picture (PHOTO)

Today Vladimir Is... Playful!

Don't worry, Russia. Everything's fine!

Giant meteors may be streaking through the sky, NGOs may be facing a government crackdown and intolerance towards the LGBT community may be on the rise, but your president has something to cure what ails you: an adorable photo with some puppies!


vladimir putin dogs

The latest in the Russian leader's series of unusual photo opportunities sees the strongman rolling in the snow with his dogs, in a manner that would not look out of place in a cutesy calendar.

In case you are interested, Putin's dogs are an Akito-Inu called Yume (front), and Buffy, a Bulgarian Shepherd.

Putin has a long history of staging bizarre photo opportunities, in which he has portrayed himself as a pilot, a shirtless outdoorsman, a whale hunter, a biker, a doctor and, possibly best of all, a glider pilot who assists lost geese in returning to their migratory path.

Check out the slideshow of Putin's greatest hits below.

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