Miami To Go To Federal Court To Undo Homeless-protection Act

City To Fight Homeless Protection Act In Federal Court
397550 01: Belede Martinez, who is homeless, sleeps November 20, 2001 on a sidewalk in Miami, Florida. Nearly one third of the city's population - 32 percent of residents - lives in poverty, a greater percentage than in any other city of 250,000 or more, the US Census survey indicates. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
397550 01: Belede Martinez, who is homeless, sleeps November 20, 2001 on a sidewalk in Miami, Florida. Nearly one third of the city's population - 32 percent of residents - lives in poverty, a greater percentage than in any other city of 250,000 or more, the US Census survey indicates. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The City of Miami, concerned that loitering homeless people are stunting downtown growth, will go to federal court in an attempt to undo major provisions of a historic legal agreement that for 15 years has protected the homeless from undue arrest and harassment by police.

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