Stolen Egg Found: $1.3 Million Faberge Style Object Found Near Swiss Border... And More Arts News

$1.3 M Stolen Egg Found!

Don't you hate it when you just can't remember the last place you left your $1.3 million egg? A stolen egg encrusted with hundreds of jewels was recently recovered near the Swiss border, after being missing for four years.

stolen faberge egg

The bejeweled ovum was burgled in 2009 from a Kuwait import-export firm based in Geneva, and its location has remained unknown ever since. But last Thursday, a suspicious looking BMW was pulled over during a routine roadblock near the border between Switzerland and France, and the egg was found inside the car, according to International Business Times. Two men in the vehicle were promptly arrested, along with a third man trailing behind in a Jaguar.

Not surprisingly, the case of the stolen Faberge-like artwork is not the first time an overpriced egg has gone missing. From a Russian private collector to a Los Angeles antique shop, few facilities are safe from the temptation to pilfer such inviting oval items.

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