What $5 Gets You In Food Around The World (VIDEO)

WATCH: How Much Food Does $5 Buy Around The World?

Coffee fiend? According to the BuzzFeed video below, you might want to consider moving to India then. You'll get way more bang for your buck, at least.

BuzzFeed analyzed average food prices across the globe to determine how far $5 will get you, food-wise. While the results are not exactly shocking, (i.e. you can get a lot more food for $5 in Ethiopia than you can in the U.S.), the video provides a clever cost-of-living visualization.

While some differences are rather staggering (beer comes cheap in China!), other food prices don't vary that much between countries. For example, $5 actually gets you a quarter pound more beef in the China than in France. All food prices are not created equal.


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