Atherton, Wealthiest Town In California, Sends Bill To White House For Obama Fundraising Trip

California's Richest Town Bills The White House For Obama Visit

Ahh, Atherton. A quaint California enclave nestled in the hills of Silicon Valley.

The town boasts a rolodex of powerhouse inhabitants, including Charles Schwab, Eric Schmidt and Meg Whitman. The median home costs $4.9 million, and the average resident is worth $1.65 million. Its police blotter includes such delightful emergencies as a woman looking for her lost cat and a man wearing a black and white outfit at an odd hour.

Atherton is the wealthiest town in California, the second richest place in America and the nation's third most expensive zip code.

Which is why it makes perfect sense that, following a recent fundraising appearance by President Obama, town officials decided to bill both the White House and the Secret Service for their troubles.

According to CBS News, it cost nearly $8,000 to host the president in Atherton, mainly to cover the price of police and security details.

Obama visited the ritzy community on April 4, during which he stopped by a brunch and a luncheon to benefit the Democratic National Committee and famously called Kamala Harris "the best looking attorney general" in the country.

Which turned out to be a pretty priceless comment. So maybe the White House should just cut its losses and pay up.

Before You Go

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