Featured Fifty Fiction: Seeking Short Story Readers

Seeking Post50 Fiction Judges
opened book lying on the...
opened book lying on the...

This week we launched a new Featured Fifty Fiction initiative aimed at discovering the hidden writing talent among our audience. The result? An avalanche of short-story submissions. While this is good news, it also presents us with a challenge -- reading them all.

And that's why we're asking for the community's help. We're seeking 10 people to serve on a Huffington Post Editorial Board. Each week, you'll receive a couple of submissions. After reviewing them, you'll be asked to give us a thumbs up or a thumbs down. You will not only have the opportunity to help discover the next Alice Munro or George Saunders, but you'll also have the chance to be part of a new and vibrant literary community.

We're looking for people with a keen literary eye who are 50 or older. Please tell us in five sentences or less why you are qualified to judge the works of others. Emails can be sent to 50fiction@huffingtonpost.com and must be received by noon on Sunday, April 28, 2013. Please put "editorial board" in the subject line. (Being a judge does not preclude you from having your own piece of fiction read by someone else on the board.)

Thanks everyone!

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