Expensive D.C.-Area Real Estate: Houses For A Boomtown

Houses For A Boomtown

The Washington Times relates the story of a Capitol Hill townhouse that was listed for $337,000 -- and sold for $760,951.

This sort of trend should be no surprise in a boomtown -- which the D.C. area is, says Bloomberg, having recently put the nation's capital and environs on its list of the country's fastest-growing metropolitan areas. D.C.'s robustness, Bloomberg notes, is largely attributable to exactly the things that made Sean Hannity irate when he, too, labeled D.C. a boomtown: the lure of federal government employment, and the defense and civilian contracting sectors.

We'll leave aside the question of if this kind of growth is wise or sustainable to ask: what sorts of swanky abodes are available to this boomtown's beneficiaries?

1004 Saint Helenas Island, Crownsville, Md., $5.375 Mil.

Spend Your Money On These Expensive D.C. Area Homes

Or perhaps you'd rather spend your dough on an 18th century plantation designed by Thomas Jefferson?

Brandon Plantation

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