Mitt Romney Talks IRS Scandal, Says He's 'Not A Fan' Of Obama (VIDEO)

Romney Hurls Criticism Over Scandals: 'I'm Not A Fan Of The President'

Former Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney appeared on "The Tonight Show" Friday, where he discussed a number of scandals unfolding in Washington.

Romney addressed the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups in the lead-up to the 2012 election, saying he thinks "a special counsel should be appointed because only a special council can investigate the administration."

"The IRS reports to the Treasury Department, that reports to the president. The buck stops at the president's desk," Romney said. "He's indicated he wants to look into it and has already taken action to remove the head of the IRS.

"The president is saying that, he and his team will look into it. But frankly, they can't investigate themselves," Romney continued.

Romney made it clear he still hasn't warmed up to the idea of Obama as president.

"I'm not a fan of the president, in case you didn't know that," Romney said. "But look, I believe he cares for the country and wants to make America a better place for the American people. But I think he's not being successful as he would have hoped to have been."

Romney also weighed in on the scandal surrounding the talking points on the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, and the Department of Justice secretly seizing phone records of Associated Press reporters.

Click here for more on Romney's appearance from RealClearPolitics.

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Mitt Romney Pointing Fingers

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