Sarah Palin: Obama 'Either A Liar Or A Hugely Incompetent CEO'

Palin Slams 'Liar' Obama

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) slammed President Barack Obama in a Wednesday op-ed, calling him "either a liar or a hugely incompetent CEO."

Palin took to to criticize "the White House's involvement" in the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party groups in the lead-up to the 2012 election, something the former vice presidential hopeful called "the biggest controversy since Watergate."

"The president would like us to believe that he only learned about the IRS corruption from watching the news. But we recently learned that the White House was actively working with the IRS on how to roll out the story of this scandal," Palin said. "So, Mr. President, how can you have your staff work on the roll out of the biggest controversy since Watergate, and yet claim that you only heard about it by watching the news with the rest of us?"

Dan Pfeiffer, a top White House adviser, insisted Obama only learned of the IRS scandal "when it came out in the news." Obama called news of the targeting "outrageous."

"But I have got no patience with it, I will not tolerate it, and we will make sure that we find out exactly what happened on this," Obama said.

Palin's criticism wasn't just reserved for Obama. She also tore into the IRS, which she said is "the face of intimidating and controlling big government" and "considers you guilty until proven innocent when they audit you."

"This IRS scandal is especially terrible because Americans live in fear of the IRS like no other entity because this monstrous bureaucracy has the power to take your hard-earned money," Palin wrote.

"[The IRS scandal is] tangible proof of how a corrupt government can intimidate and target a person’s record, reputation, and life, and make them feel helpless," Palin continued.

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