Pregnancy Test Craigslist Ad Offers Positive Tests For $25, Is Truly Bizarre

This Craigslist Ad Is Truly Bizarre

Apparently, positive pregnancy tests are an item some will pay for. Why? We don't know -- but one Buffalo woman is taking advantage of the burgeoning market on Craigslist.

Her ad, originally posted earlier this month, offers positive pregnancy tests for a bargain rate of $25 (scroll to see the ad). According to the posting, the seller was receiving such a high volume of requests for her to pee on a stick after she announced her bun in the oven that she figured she'd sell them for profit. The ad reads:

Yes, you saw that right! I am selling positive pregnancy tests! Ever since I became pregnant, I have been asked numerous times for a positive test, so I decided to start charging for it! I will take the test the same day you want to pick it up! I dont care what you use it for, not my business! ;)

I am always near my phone, so just send an e-mail!

What do you think the buyers are using these positive tests for? Mean-spirited pranks on their female friends? Some kinky sexual experience? An extra piece of "art" for their apartment wall? Your guess is as good as ours.

pregnancy test craigslist

[H/T The Gloss]

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