Barn Bocock's 'Brand Wars': Star Wars Parody Turns Company Logos Into Galactic Characters (PHOTOS)

If Star Wars Characters Were Brands...

Rivalries between soda companies or athletic shoe designers can be pretty cut throat, but is the inter-industry competition as fierce as the age-old clash between the Rebel forces and the Empire of Star Wars lore?

Illustrator Barn Bocock seems to think so, as he's created a pretty clever series parodying the antogonistic relations between Jedis and Siths. In his series, "Brand Wars," Bocock pits Boba Fett against Jabba the Hutt and Yoda against Vader using appropriated logo designs from a few familiar companies.

The New Zealand-based illustrator, the mind behind the blog "How to Carve Roast Unicorn," stated in an email to The Huffington Post that he's just a "big old school, original trilogy fan trying to pass on the enthusiasm to my kids." Scroll through the slideshow below to see more of his designs.

Brand Wars

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