'Breaking Amish: Brave New World': Abe's Mother And Sister Meet African-Americans For The First Time (VIDEO)

'Breaking Amish': Abe's Family's First Encounter With African-Americans

Abe's mother and sister decided to travel down to Florida to surprise him and his friends on "Breaking Amish: Brave New World." Luckily -- ahem -- the camera crew was there to record their first experiences in the larger world outside of their Amish community. Like their first experience meeting people of a different race.

Abe's mother, Mary, had lots of questions for the two African-American women they sat by in a restaurant. "Are you call yourself black, colored, or ... "

"African-American," the women answered.

"Are you actually from African?" Mary responded. She was politely corrected that the continent was "Africa" and that the women weren't from there. It was all very adorable, and the African-American women seemed just as charmed by the whole experience as the two Amish women.

Mary was loving everything about her time away from home, noting that she could have vodka and cranberry juice while away. How hard do you think producers are trying to convince her to get on board for a spin-off series?

Follow the gang on "Breaking Amish: Brave New World," Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

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