Loving Day In Detroit: Celebrating The Freedom To Marry With Multicultural Celebration

TODAY: Celebrate The Freedom To Love In Detroit

This post first appeared at Love in the D, Detroit's online home for socially conscious weddings and happenings.

History was made on June 12, 1967. Can you believe that interracial marriage bans were struck down in the United States only less than fifty years ago?

The Loving v. Virginia decision anniversary is directly relevant to my life for several reasons.

First, my husband Sean and I are in an interracial marriage. The challenges that we have faced as an interracial couple are not anywhere near the institutional barriers that existed during the Lovings’ time. We owe a debt of gratitude to them for their courage...

On Sunday, June 9, 3 – 6:30 p.m. at the Cass Corridor Neighborhood Development Center, check out the second annual Loving Day: Detroit celebration. Head to Love in the D for more information and thoughts on Sunday's event and Loving Day.

loving day detroit

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