'Twisted' Premiere: Teen Drama With A Murder-Mystery Twist (VIDEO)

'Twisted' Premiere: Teen Drama With A Murder-Mystery Twist

After offering viewers a sneak preview of the pilot for their new teen drama back in March, ABC Family finally launched "Twisted' this week. This new series may have all the teenage angst that fans of their other hit shows have come to expect, but it also has a murdery mystery at its center.

The story picks up when Danny gets out of juvenile detention. He killed his aunt when he was only 11-years old, and has been away from his hometown ever since. He returns home and tries to reconnect with childhood friends and find his place in this familiar -- and yet almost alien -- place. But then, one of his classmates winds up dead.

Of course, Danny is suspect number one even before an investigation can begin. But Danny isn't alone in this. He has Denise Richards chewing up the scenery as his devoted mother, Karen. When he started getting suspected of the new murder, Karen even offered to move somewhere else so they could start over.

"I haven’t brushed up on my criminal law lately, but I think fleeing town might make me look guilty," Danny told her.

To a lot of the townsfolk he already looks guilty, adding a layer of darkness to the series. Hollywood Life says the premise has them hooked for at least a few episodes. The LA Times called it "Bates Motel"-lite, but did say it has some promise. "A cynic might think ‘Twisted’ is a bald attempt to capitalize on the success of ‘Pretty Little Liars’ while possibly adding a Y chromosome to the mix," they wrote. "The non-cynic might see in Danny yet another metaphor for the alienation and ‘otherness’ many teens feel. And in these days of zombies, werewolves and vampires, a garden-variety child murderer feels almost ... quaint.”

Danny's struggle to fit in, as well as the "whodunnit?" murder mystery, continues on "Twisted" every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on ABC Family.

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