Baby Gorilla Yawns After Charming Caretakers At Columbus Zoo (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Yawning Baby Gorilla!

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium welcomed an adorable newborn gorilla last month.

The little guy, who's technically a Western Lowland Gorilla, was born to first-time parents Kambera and Oliver on May 23. He's since been raised by animal care experts at the zoo after his mother didn't show maternal instinct, Zooborns reports, but caretakers have let the pair spend a lot of time together and plan to try and reunite them soon.

He's pretty cute, and the zoo recently released this darling image of him yawning.

Story continues below with additional photos.
baby gorilla

The Western Lowland Gorilla has been listed as critically endangered by the IUCN since 2007. They tend to live about 30 years in the wild, but can live up to their mid-50s in captivity, according to Zooborns.

Take a look at more photos of the wide-eyed newborn below.

baby gorilla

baby gorilla

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