Breast Cancer Art: Bruce Munro Turns Hill Into A Breast For Cancer Awareness (PHOTOS)

Yes, This Is Supposed To Look Like A Giant Nipple

Light artist Bruce Munro recently created a 16-foot by 10-foot orb entitled "Beacon on the Hill," made from 2730 individually lit plastic bottles resembling a large nipple.

Copyright Bruce Munro, photo courtesy of Mark Pickthall

Copyright Bruce Munro, photo courtesy of Mark Pickthall

Munro embarked on the piece to honor a dear friend he lost to breast cancer, teaming up with charity Cancerkin to send a message of hope. In the press release Munro explains: "Illuminating the night sky for a brief moment, I hope to send the message 'you are not alone.'"

What do you think about Munro's enlightening land art? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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