Reimagining STEM At School: Education Heavy Hitters Discuss On Twitter

Reimagining STEM at School: Education Heavy Hitters Discuss On Twitter

Editor's Note: This post is part of a series produced by HuffPost's Girls In STEM Mentorship Program. Join the community as we discuss issues affecting women in science, technology, engineering and math.

On Friday at 3pm ET, the HuffPost Girls in STEM Mentorship program hosted a Twitter chat with Huff Post Education and close to six hundred teachers, entrepreneurs and members of the STEM community. Our featured guest was educator and STEM advocate Angela Maiers. From debating the role of media in STEM perceptions, to swapping stories from the classroom, our community shared some insightful commentary. Read through our Twitter chat's questions and replies, and share your own answers in the comments. Be sure to join us next Thursday, July 11th at 3pm ET for our next Twitter chat on entrepreneurship. Follow the conversation with #hpstem.

Q1. In what unexpected ways can the education system deter girls from further STEM education? #hpstem

@HuffPostEdu A1 we were surprised to learn that nervous math teachers can lead to nervous math students. #hpstem

— STEMwire (@STEMwire) June 28, 2013

Q2. What are the messages society currently sends girls in STEM, and how can we make them better? #hpstem

Q3. What are the best approaches to navigating gender differences in the classroom? #hpstem

Q4. Hey girls in STEM. Think back to your classroom days. How would you structure them differently if you could? #hpstem

Q5. What is your biggest struggle either as a student or a teacher? #hpstem

Q6. Extracurricular programs are a trend in STEM. Are they enough? #hpstem

Q7. Do virtual classrooms hinder or advance the experimentation and play required to propel STEM education forward? #hpstem

Q8. What does your dream STEM education look like? #hpstem

Q9. Who has been your favorite STEM teacher and why? #hpstem

@HuffPostEdu My first STEM teacher was @TheScienceGuy! I remember the show fondly and credit it with a lot of my love of sci & edu #hpstem

— Ashley Burek (@AshleyCBurek) June 28, 2013

Q10. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a teacher? #hpstem

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