'She Started It' Documentary Shines Light On Female Entrepreneurs (VIDEO)

WATCH: How 2 Women Are Trying To Inspire A Generation

Nora Poggi and Insiyah Saeed are trying to change what young women think they are capable of by taking a closer look at the lives of female entrepreneurs. The journalists' documentary, "She Started It," attempts to answer an age-old question: "How does she do it?"

After witnessing the rise of women in Silicon Valley, Poggi and Saeed decided that more women (and men) needed to hear about the accomplishments of these female entrepreneurs. According to the documentary's Indiegogo page, the film's aim is simple:

The goal is to inspire young women to become entrepreneurs and consider careers in tech, and also educate about how to sustain that career. We believe that a visual connection is a powerful one; by depicting the day to day lives of our subjects on film we hope to inform and inspire others. In our research we realized that many women feel they do not have what it takes to start a tech company, and even more so build the next billion dollar company. We believe that women can start a company and aim even higher if they believe it possible! Our goal is to create that spark, that by watching we would get someone to say, "if she can do it, I can do it!"

The documentary, which is still in progress, features women working on a variety of projects, from mobile apps to fashion startups to a password-storing online platform.

"Today, being an entrepreneur is still associated with being a man," says Poggi in the Indiegogo video for "She Started It." It's the existence of projects like hers that make us hopeful that perception will change very soon.

To find out more about "She Started It," visit the documentary's page on Indiegogo.

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