Jenni Rivera Tequila To Be Released

The Newest Way To Remember Jenni Rivera
On How Society Will Remember Her

Jenni Rivera Inspires

Fans may soon have another way to honor the life and untimely death of Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera.

“La Gran Señora,” a new tequila marketed with Rivera’s image, will hit the shelves in Mexico and the United States next month, California daily La Opinión reports.

The release of the Jenni Rivera tequila follows the launch of her soul-bearing autobiography this month. The book reveals the identity of her only true love, with whom she enjoyed smoking marijuana and experienced her first orgasm at age 33.

Rivera’s tragic death in a plane crash in December of last year catapulted her to a level of international celebrity she never reached during her life. Her record sales spiked more than 1,000 percent in the week after her death, according to Billboard.

The marketing of her image has at times stirred controversy. Piñatas made in the singer’s likeness outraged Rivera’s family, who cringed at the idea of letting kids smash an image of La Diva de la Banda at parties.

“This is disrespectful to the children, parents, siblings and people who she loved that were left behind,” Rivera’s sister Rosie said of the piñatas on Twitter.

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