Florida Stand Your Ground Law Protests: Rick Scott Refuses Dream Defenders Repeal Demand

Rick Scott Refuses To Repeal Controversial Law

Despite his office being full of protesters, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) is refusing to budge on his state's Stand Your Ground law.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that Scott said no to the Dream Defenders' demands for a repeal of the controversial legislation. The remarks came from Pensacola, Fla., where Scott was announcing the arrival of 485 new jobs, the News Journal reported.

The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday that group of at least 60 people took over Scott's office, expressing their discontent over the George Zimmerman verdict. WCTV-TV notes that approximately 30 individuals stayed overnight inside the Florida Capitol -- stuck inside after the doors were locked at 5 p.m. ET.

"We have one goal and that is to speak to Governor Scott and have a special session convene," Dream Defender Melanie Andrade told WCTV. "So if he says no, we're going to have to stay here. I mean, we're not going to leave."

AP's Wednesday report writes that Scott has yet to return to the Capitol since the influx of protesters. He did say it was "great" that the protesters used their right to freedom of speech, according to the wire service.

Before You Go

Dream Defenders Hold Sit-In At Rick Scott Office

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