#WombFire Of The Week: Legend Pearl Phillips (PHOTOS)

#WombFire Of The Week: Meet Legend!

Wombfire (noun, hashtag) 1. a child so amazingly cute that they figuratively set your womb ablaze. 2. when your reproductive system (i.e. womb) tingles with maternal excitement, potentially breaks out into Beyoncé choreography and/or prompts spontaneous family planning (i.e. running home to make a baby). 3. hashtag used to illustrate flurry of emotion described above (i.e. "This baby is giving me major #wombfire" or "#Wombfire alert!")

Cutie: Legend Pearl PhillipsAge: 4 1/2 years old Mom: Eishia Brightwell (Model) Dad: Kevin Phillips (Actor) Hometown: Harlem, New York City What's the best thing about raising a child in New York City? I love that Legend gets to see so much diversity and culture -- she sees people from all walks of life. I believe that it has made her heart even bigger. Her awareness of homeless people and wanting to always help them, lets me know I'm raising her right. She has a huge place in her heart for those less fortunate. (Note: Eishia and Kevin are no longer together but they proudly and happily co-parent their daughter)


Fill-in-the-blank with Legend...

1. My favorite outfit is a white tank top with a hot pink tutu over cheetah pants and red glitter shoes!

2. I think traveling with my mommy is the best thing in the world.

3. When I grow up I want to rescue dogs and be an actress.

4. On the weekends I go to museums and the beach with my mommy.

5. I like to sing and dance to Bruno Mars' "When I Was Your Man."

6. If I could have a playdate with anyone in the world it would be with Leonardo Dicaprio ... again. (On Legend's first playdate with Leonardo -- see photo in the slideshow below -- she didn't know he was an actor. Since then she has seen him on billboards, so there are so many questions she wants to ask him.)

7. I love my mommy because she's the bestest mommy and because she's a loving mommy.

Beach baby

Legend Pearl Phillips

Check out our past wombfires HERE, HERE and HERE...and keep the CUTE coming! If you've got a #wombfire or know someone who does, let us know by adding the hashtag #wombfire to your Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook photos. We'll be in touch if we decide to feature your cutie as a #Wombfire Of The Week.

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