Harry Reid Disapproves Of Congress, Along With 83 Percent Of Americans (VIDEO)

Reid Thinks Congress Could Do Better

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told PBS NewsHour Wednesday that Americans are disappointed in Congress, and he agrees with them.

On the heels of a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll which found that American disapproval of Congress' performance has reached an all-time high, Reid cited the same figure in the PBS interview.

"If one of those pollsters had called me, I would agree with the 83 percent that thinks we can do a better job," Reid said.

According to the poll, 57 percent would also replace every representative if they could.

Reid has acknowledged the nation's dissatisfaction with the current Congress before, as partisan tension peaked during the mid-July filibuster fight.

"Is there anyone out there in the world – the real world – that believes that what's going on in the Congress of the United States is good?" Reid asked at the time. "Our approval rating is lower than North Korea's."

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Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

Senate Majority Leaders Through The Years

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