Iyanla Vanzant Breaks Down During Filming Of 'Iyanla: Fix My Life' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Iyanla Breaks Down During Filming Of Her Show

No doubt relationship expert Iyanla Vanzant has tackled some tough issues and explored dire family situations on her show, "Iyanla: Fix My Life." Though explosive confrontations may arise and feelings may be severely hurt in the process of healing, Iyanla has never had to step away from those in crisis -- until now.

In Saturday's episode of "Iyanla: Fix My Life," Iyanla travels to Maryland to a chaotic home packed with 14 houseguests... and one very angry, allegedly violent mom. The family's resentment and pain run deep, as Iyanla discovers, but many family members fail to recognize what's truly at the root of Mom's bad behavior. When Iyanla attempts to help the family see what's really going on and seems to get nowhere, she's had it.

"Y'all called me here," she says as she stands up. "And I hope you'll be happy when I leave."

As Iyanla walks away, she expresses her own feelings about the family dynamic. "I'm just horrified," she says. "Horr-i-fied."

Once back at her trailer, Iyanla breaks down. "I can't imagine people living in this much pain. I can't imagine," she says, trying to (unsuccessfully) hold back tears. "These people need help. I don't even think I can help them."

Watch the full episode of "Iyanla: Fix My Life" on Saturday, August 3, at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.

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Iyanla Vanzant Quotes


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