9 Things We're Not Looking Forward To This Week

9 Things We're Not Looking Forward To This Week

1. Realizing that Shark Week has totally jumped the... you get the idea.

2. Knowing we live in a world where Sydney Leathers has already made porn.

sydney leathers

3. Which is worse: Waiting another week for "Breaking Bad," or people who won't STFU about "Breaking Bad"?

4. The realization that we may never get to the beach this summer.

beach sad

5. Having to hear more about some inexplicable time traveling British guy with a PhD.

6. It's not even 2014 and we're already bored with hearing about Hillary Clinton running for president.

hillary clinton sleep

7. Finding out more about whatever the hell "The Million Second Quiz" is.

ryan seacrest

8. Being reminded that school is a thing.

school bored

9. The fear that Tina Brown will publicly shame us at any moment.

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