Chambers Lake Fire Extinguished With Help Of Rawah Cowboys, Firefighters

Cowboys Help Firefighters Put Out Blaze
Australia, South Australia, Nilpena station, Lachy et Ross Fargher are mushering with horses
Australia, South Australia, Nilpena station, Lachy et Ross Fargher are mushering with horses

A fire burning in Poudre Canyon was being put out by firefighters and cowboys in the area, according to a report by The Coloradoan.

The Chambers Lake Fire was burning off Highway 14, near the northwest shoreline of Chambers Lake. The Canyon Lakes Ranger District tweeted around 5 p.m. that the fire was 100 percent contained and that it was human caused, but added that the details remained under investigation.

Pat Timmins of Rawah Ranch and Flyfishing Lodge called in the fire to the Larimer County Sheriff's Office and then took some of his staff and his 11-year-old son to try and stomp it out. They then turned over the fire to firefighters and a US Forest Service helicopter which helped dump water onto the blaze.

“We’re comfortable being the first line of defense,” Timmins told The Coloradoan. “This is where we live. The stewardship of this valley goes well beyond our fenceline.”

Officials say they believe the fire may have been started by an unattended campfire. The fire grew to 1/10 of an acre.

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West Fork Complex Fire

Colorado Wildfires 2013

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