10 Signs You're Over 50, As Told Through GIFs

10 Signs You're Over 50 (As Told Through GIFs)
middle age woman showing her...
middle age woman showing her...

Every time you reach for your keys, you're like:

Trying to name a song in the Top 10 is like:

When 20-somethings talk about dating and college kids talk about hook up culture, you're like:

Trying to balance all the responsibilities in your life is like:

Trying to lose weight quickly is like:

In the 80s, you had THIS much energy:

When you finally convince your adult kids to go on vacation with you, you're like:

When you show off your 50-something bikini body at the beach, you're like:

You definitely can't do this anymore:

And some of your attempts to be sexy turn out like this:

But, when someone suggests that you're old, you're like:

Before You Go

Care Bears

80s Room Essentials


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