12 Ways The Rich Are Not Like You And Me (Besides The Money)

12 Ways The Rich Are Not Like You And Me (Besides The Money)

Sure, the rich have more money than many of us. But in what other ways are they living in a fundamentally different universe? Many more than you might think:

1. They're more aggressive at the wheel. A recent study by a researcher at the University of California at Berkeley found people driving expensive cars are more likely to cut off pedestrians and jump their turn at intersections with four-way stops.


2. They're less empathetic. Datcher Keltner, a psychologist and social scientist, conducted 12 different studies and all of them found that the rich are generally less empathetic and more selfish than their poorer counterparts, he told NBC News.


3. They're more likely to take candy from children. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that wealthy participants in an experiment took twice as many candies from a jar set aside for children than their poorer counterparts.

crying child

4. It's easier for them to become American citizens. A small federal program called EB-5 allows wealthy foreigners a path to American citizenship if they invest $500,000 in a business and create 10 jobs, according to NPR.


5. Their bodies have a different chemical makeup. The bodies of the rich tend to contain chemical toxins that are associated with healthy lifestyles, according to a recent study from researchers at the University of Exeter. Meanwhile, the bodies of the poor tend to contain toxins associated with cigarette smoke.

healthy body

6. They're more likely to be tricked into buying brand-name medications. Even though generic versions of brand-name medications are just as effective, headache sufferers with wealth are more likely to spring for brand-name medications like Tylenol, according to a recent study from the University of Chicago.


7. They're nearly twice as likely to vote as the poor. In the 2008 election, 78 percent of Americans making more than $150,000 went to the polls, according to a 2012 analysis. Less than half of those making less than $30,000 per year voted.

us voting booth

8. They're more likely to worry about deficit reduction and low taxes. Eighty-seven percent of wealthy Americans viewed the budget deficit as a "very important problem," and many listed it as their top political priority according to a recent survey from Demos. Others tend to view jobs and education as top priorities.

john boehner

9. They're less likely to be concerned with raising the minimum wage. About 40 percent of wealthy Americans say the minimum wage should be high enough to make sure a family with full-time workers doesn't fall below the poverty line, according to the Demos study. By comparison, 78 percent of the general public favor such a provision.

fast food workers

10. They see a different Internet than we do. Internet advertisers use data mined by websites like Facebook and Google to tailor their ads to your experience. As a result, rich web surfers are more likely to see offers for things like better credit card deals, according to Scientific American.


11. They're more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. Forty-three percent of upper class Americans are "completely satisfied" with their jobs, according to an August 2012 report from Pew Research. By comparison, just 31 percent of middle-class Americans and 20 percent of lower-class Americans are satisfied at work.

warren buffett ping pong

12. They're also more likely to be happier overall. One-third of upper-class Americans say they rarely experience stress, compared to 23 percent of middle-class Americans and 13 percent of lower-class Americans, according to the Pew report. In addition, more than 40 percent of rich Americans say they're "very happy with life overall," compared to 20 percent of lower-class Americans.

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