'Throwing Shade' Features Dustin Lance Black Chatting With Bryan Safi And Erin Gibson (VIDEO)

WATCH: Dustin Lance Black Throws Some 'Shade!'

"Throwing Shade," the popular podcast starring Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson that features issues pertaining to women and the gay community, recently became a weekly videocast on Funny or Die.

The set up for "Throwing Shade" is Safi and Gibson talk about what is going on in their lives and then discuss topics in that week's news, with Safi covering the gay issues and Gibson reporting on the women's front, all while offering their unique commentary.

This week's videocast featured a special guest in a segment entitled HiBrow/LoBrow: Oscar-winning screenwriter, Dustin Lance Black.

To hear Black's thoughts on the depiction of gays in media (HiBrow question), as well as his response to, "Have you ever put your Oscar in your butt or mouth?" (LoBrow) watch the video above.

You can also download their weekly podcast here.

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