How To Protect Your Skin Before Undergoing Surgery

How To Protect Your Skin Before Undergoing Surgery

You may have noticed that your skin does not react to some products or procedures as you would expect or as advertised, even when they seem to work for other people. One of the reasons is that Hispanic women’s skin is very different from those of any another ethnic groups, and it has a different constitution. This is why, whenever we want to improve our appearance, we often look for a place where we can feel comfortable, safe, and understood.

Dr. Jeffrey Yager, certified plastic surgeon, creator of Yager Esthetics and, more recently, of the YSPA Clinic in New York, says on this subject: “Hispanic women’s skin is not only different in its constitution, but also in the way it responds to treatments. For example, Hispanic women often need less retin-A than women from other ethnic groups. This is why it is essential for every woman to be treated by professionals who know their skin type and know their needs.”

Before undergoing any surgical or non-invasive procedure, you should follow some of Dr. Jeffrey Yager’s advice for Hispanic women:

•If you are prescribed retin-A, it is important for you to know that Hispanic women’s skin usually require a smaller dose than Caucasians’.

•Women with darker skin tones do not absorb enough vitamin D from the sun. Take a vitamin D supplement, since it helps strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis. However, you should remember that even the darkest complexions can get skin cancer. Protect your skin from UV rays, avoid excessive sun exposure, see your dermatologist on a regular basis to have your skin checked periodically, and make sure you use a daily product with SPF sunscreen.

•Hispanic women are more susceptible to get melasma, a condition in which the skin darkens on sun-exposed areas. A prescribed skin treatment can be very effective in these cases.

•Hispanic women are more likely to have hypertrophic and keloid scarring; therefore, you must be really careful with skin injuries, even with pimples. Remember that before treating a dark spot, you must treat its cause. If it is because of acne, you should first be prescribed a treatment in order to control it so that it doesn’t appear again.

•When looking for a skin-care professional, make sure they treat patients like you. Working with Hispanic patients is a unique specialty and it is very important that they are experienced in treating darker skin tones. You can request before and after pictures of other patients with a complexion like yours.

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