Midlifers Share What's On Their Un-Bucket Lists

9 Things Midlifers Never Want To Do Again

Sure, we've all heard of bucket lists -- the things we want to do or see before we die. But what about an un-bucket list: Things that we've done and hope to never do again? You know, things like maybe childbirth, going on a group bus tour of 10 European cities in 7 days or backpacking through the wilderness with a pack of Boy Scouts?

We asked our readers what was on their un-bucket lists and loved what they told us. Here are a few:

Linda Hervas said she wouldn't miss getting her monthly period -- a sentiment repeated by others, same for giving birth -- as much as we love our kids. Iris Jackson noted, "It's definitely childbirth for me."

Vicki Pasternak is obviously planning a move to a warm weather condo where she "will never have to mow the lawn or shovel a driveway ever again."

Relationships figured prominently in things we would add to our un-bucket lists. Reader Michael James Cooper has "Get my heart broke" on his list of things not to do again. And Cindy Jarrett says she wouldn't want to repeat her first 10 years of step-parenting. She ranked that equally with getting her wisdom teeth pulled, but added "now it's great!"

Max Brill wouldn't want to repeat his high school experience and Nancy Brovelli Mercurio says she wouldn't model lingerie on a runway at age 49.

Readers, what's on your un-bucket list? Post it in the comments below.

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