Small Town Pizza Place Knows The Secret To Students' Hearts (And Good Grades) (PHOTO)

This Pizza Place Knows The Secret To Good Grades

Need that extra incentive to get your homework done? Look no further than a local pizza place.

Reddit user LovesHerGeek posted the following photo to the social site with the caption: "Small town pizza place knows what community is all about."

A sign marked "Study Hall afternoons until 5pm" announces:

Students, while you do your (approved) homework assignments here, you may enjoy pizza slices for 35¢.

If you complete your assignments to my satisfaction, you will earn a complimentary Root Beer float.

There is no purchase necessary. All are welcome here to study, and earn your root beer float.

To the extent that I can, I will be happy to assist you in understanding your assignments.

Additionally, a "High School Students Report Card Challenge" sign states that one slice of pizza will be given per "A," and one large pizza of your choosing along with a 2-liter bottle of soda will be given for straight A's.

Not to leave out the non-students, community members can earn a large pizza if they are able to recite Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address from memory.

According to a comment update by LovesHerGeek, Greenville House of Pizza is no longer in business. However, we don't think it would hurt for other restaurants to take a hint and follow their example of awesomeness. Sounds like a (delicious) deal to us.

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