“By God’s grace, I will be back at full strength soon,” the Texas Democrat wrote. “Please keep me and my family in your prayers.”
“These people hate our children,” the conspiracy theorist, who falsely claimed the 2012 school shooting that killed 20 children was all a hoax, cried on his InfoWars show.
Reynolds and his wife, actor Blake Lively, have four children together.
The New Jersey senator, currently a Democrat, is reportedly sending a friend to deliver his paperwork since he’s tied up at his federal corruption trial.
The 46-year-old victim was bitten on the torso, arm and hand about 100 yards from shore in Del Mar.
The star gymnast's mom and husband were both fixated from the stands during her national championship floor performance.
The “Star Trek” star apparently passed the final frontier of tolerance after a cafe accused him of yelling at staffers and reducing one to tears.
The Teamsters are ending a “no-raid” pact with the machinists' union. The change could lead to turf wars over membership.
Pacific Power, part of PacifiCorp, says it has agreed to a nearly $180 million settlement with over 400 Oregon plaintiffs.
Hogan, a Republican, is running for a Senate seat currently occupied by retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.).
NFL veteran Brandon McManus is accused of sexual assault in a lawsuit.

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