Former Teen Mom: 'I Was Taught That If You Use Birth Control, You Can Get Cancer'

'I Was Taught That If You Use Birth Control, You Can Get Cancer'

Misinformation may be to blame for some of the unplanned pregnancies in this country. Gloria Malone, a former teen mom, joined HuffPost Live's Nancy Redd to shed light on why some women decide to have unprotected sex.

"The only time any type of contraceptive was stated -- in I guess what you can call sex ed -- was mentions of how it can fail," Malone said. "I was actually taught that sperm are so small that they can swim through the latex. I was taught that if you use birth control, you can get cancer."

So rather than opt for a method of contraception that she was told was a failure, she opted out of any form of birth control. "So when I went to go have sex, they told me it failed already, and I had no way to get it affordably or easily .. So I just went ahead and had unsafe sex," said Malone.

To hear more on this discussion, watch the full segment HERE.

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