'I Hate California: Beaches' Video By Suzi Barrett Mocks Golden State's Gorgeous Coastline

About A Billion Reasons To HATE California Beaches

Comedienne Suzi Barrett strikes again with another profanity-laden screed against what could be California's most treasured natural resource: our beaches.

In the video, Barrett angrily narrates over quick cuts of the Golden State's most beautiful coastal areas, cursing the scenes for their "ancient beauty" and too much "potential for fun." In case you haven't gotten it by now, Barrett's schtick is to call attention to California's best qualities by mocking them.

Our favorite reaction to the sun and surf: "What is this, a shampoo commercial?" Oh Suzi, never change.

The short comedic film is the fifth and final installment in her "I Hate California" series. Check out her hilarious diatribes against San Francisco, Wine Country, camping and Lake Tahoe.

After you're done watching Barrett, get the bitter taste out of your mouth by flipping through this serene slideshow of beach scenes around Los Angeles.

Scenes From Los Angeles Beaches

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