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WATCH: Moosejaw Mountaineering Reaches New Heights Of Engagement Through Smarter Commerce

WATCH: Moosejaw Mountaineering Reaches New Heights Of Engagement Through Smarter Commerce

When utilized effectively, the Web can transform social experiences into business and business into social experiences.

Such is the case with Moosejaw, a retail company that specializes in outdoor recreation apparel and gear for snowboarding, rock climbing, hiking, and camping. Working with IBM to create true-to-brand multiplatform experiences for consumers, Moosejaw maintains a consistent brand identity while engaging its consumers across online, in-store, and social verticals and perpetuating their love for adventure.

Told through the perspective of outdoor enthusiasts, this film follows the adventures of an energetic group of friends as they hit the trails and campgrounds with Moosejaw by their side. Be it through purchases made through the online store or engaging with fellow outdoor enthusiasts via social networking sites, IBM's Smarter Commerce brings the energy and interactivity of the in-store experience to additional platforms so that the Moosejaw Madness can live on for fans across the world.


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