Paraplegic Man Bungee Jumps In Wheelchair For Disability Awareness, Makes Us Want To Carpe Diem

Paraplegic Man Bungee Jumps In Wheelchair For Disability Awareness, Makes Us Want To Carpe Diem

A motorcycle accident left Riley Martin, without the use of both legs, but the 21-year-hasn’t lost his daredevil spirit. He confirmed that last weekend when he decided to go bungee jumping off of a 170-foot high bridge in Whistler, British Columbia -- in his wheelchair.

Martin said he was inspired to take on the heart-pumping stunt after seeing a video of Rick Hansen, a Paralympian and advocate, bungee jumping, he told ABC.

When the brave guy called the company, he wasn’t sure they would be so accommodating. But they treated him as they would any other customer, but just noted that they would need a wheelchair harness.

Don’t get us wrong, Martin is still a normal human being and was pretty frightened. When he posted his pictures to Reddit, he accompanied the album with the note: “I did something that truly scared me this past weekend.”

Perhaps the best part of the experience was not feeling limited.

“It was a good feeling that I was still able to do it, just the same as able-bodied people,” he told ABC.

That, and earning a ton of fans on Reddit.

“You are probably braver than I'll ever be!” one redditor wrote.

That goes for us, too.

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