Grandpa Learns You're Never Too Old To Enjoy What You Love (VIDEO)

WATCH: You'll Shed A Tear As Grandpa Gets In Gear

In a heartwarming new ad for health club chain Virgin Active, a grandfather who has lost his joie de vivre gets it back with the help of his loving granddaughter.

The young woman notices from an old photo that Grandpa once enjoyed cycling, so she gently coaxes him back onto the road. His smile lights up as he reconnects with his old passion.

Perhaps not every grandparent and grandchild share a special bond, but The Huffington Post has reported its share of those who do.

Steve and Jeri Wakefield, of Dallas, built an elaborate tree house for their grandkids, and now they welcome children from all over the neighborhood.

Or how about this cool pop-pop getting a pink-painted manicure from his granddaughter? Precious.

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