Our #Wombfire Of The Week Is A True 'Philly Phasionista' (PHOTOS)

#WombFire Of The Week: Check Out This 'Philly Phasionista'

Wombfire (noun, hashtag) 1. a child so amazingly cute that they figuratively set your womb ablaze. 2. when your reproductive system (i.e. womb) tingles with maternal excitement, potentially breaks out into Beyoncé choreography and/or prompts spontaneous family planning (i.e. running home to make a baby). 3. hashtag used to illustrate flurry of emotion described above (i.e. "This baby is giving me major #wombfire" or "#Wombfire alert!")

Cutie: Kennedy Garner
Age: 4-years-old
Mom: Kelly Garner (Elementary/special education teacher)
Dad: Gregary Garner (Behavioral health delegate)
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
What advice would you give first-time mothers? By keeping my affection and love to Kennedy ever on display, never hiding it. Children will learn by your words and actions that they are loved AND loveable!


Fill-in-the-blank with Kennedy...

1. My favorite book is I Say a Little Prayer by Dionne Warwick and David Freeman Wooley
(i have a signed copy!)

2. My dream playdate would be with my friends, Alyssa, A.J., Lilly, Daja, Sean and Tom in a limo ride to NYC to see "Matilda" on Broadway!

3. If I had to describe my style it would be: Urban, Philly Phasionista Princess Swagga'!

4. On the weekends I like to go to the park and the "Please Touch Museum" or be the hostest with the mostest having my creative and exciting play-date neighborhood parties!

5. When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian who can give love and heal animals, but also double as a fashion writer, like Ms. Julee Wilson! Can't give up my style!

6. I can always put a smile on my mommy and daddy's faces by dressing up in one of my many costumes and doing my "Stayin' Alive" song and dance routine.

7. My favorite song to dance to is "Princess Swagger" by Sophia Grace and Rosie.

Brown-eyed girl

Kennedy Garner

Check out last week's wombfire HERE...and keep the CUTE coming! If you've got a #wombfire or know someone who does, let us know by adding the hashtag #wombfire to your Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook photos. We'll be in touch if we decide to feature your cutie as a #Wombfire Of The Week.


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