9 Proclamations Every New Yorker Will Understand... As Art

9 Proclamations Every New Yorker Will Understand... As Art

"Sometimes, quite frankly, you exhaust me."

If you've ever uttered these desperate words in the depths of an overcrowded and overheated subway while bemoaning the reality that is living in New York City, we have an art exhibition for you.

Artist and M Crown Productions founder Gala Magrina is bringing a series of prints, aptly titled "My Love Hate Relationship with New York City," to the walls of 168 Bowery. The works attempt to encapsulate the forever oscillating emotional state of NYC residents in short, tweet-able phrases. Snarky and sentimental, critical and idyllic, the quips reflect the roller coaster of admiration and pure abhorrence felt by people across this great city... often at the same time.

"New York City is the only dysfunctional relationship I have left in my life," Magrina explained in a statement about the exhibit. "I was raised here, and while it’s one of the best cities in the world, I’ve never stopped struggling with my emotions about it. I’m desperate to make peace with my oldest albatross.”

Magrina's prints will be on view October 30, 2013 at 168 Bowery. And in true NYC fashion, the event will be celebrated with 40 ounce beers and wince coolers available to any neighbor who happens to stop by the venue that night. In the meantime, here's a preview of the series below:










All images courtesy of Gala Magrina. "My Love Hate Relationship With New York City" will show at 168 Bowery on October 30th from 6:30-8:30pm. The prints are also available for purchase here.

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