Tom Coburn Calls Harry Reid 'An Absolute A**hole'

Coburn Calls Reid 'An Absolute A**hole'

Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) found it "disgraceful" that some members of his party -- including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) -- were fundraising in New York on the Hurricane Sandy anniversary, having voted in January against recovery funding for the disaster.

But it was Coburn who was dishing out the real insults Monday evening, according to the New York Daily News.

Coburn was headlining a gala fundraiser for the New York Young Republican Club when he was reportedly asked about relations within the Senate.

While Coburn admitted "great relationships" with some Democratic senators, he said he felt differently about one member of the opposition in particular -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

"There's no comity with Harry Reid. I think he's an absolute a--hole," Coburn said, according to New York Daily News.

It's no secret that Coburn isn't Reid's biggest fan. Coburn had choice words for the Democratic leader last year, blaming him for congressional gridlock.

"If you want to ask why the Senate isn't working, there's one reason; it's called Harry Reid," Coburn said. "Incompetent and incapable of carrying on the leadership in the Senate."

Coburn issued an apology for those comments, but felt his anger was justified.

“I don’t apologize for my frustration of this place, but occasionally my words are harsh and inaccurate," he said.

The bite doesn't just come from the right. In a recent interview with The Huffington Post, Reid took shots at several Republican lawmakers. He said Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) "isn't playing with a full deck," called Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) "a laughing stock to everybody but him," and questioned House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) conscience through the shutdown talks.

UPDATE: Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson responded to the comment on Tuesday morning. "Nothing says 'comity' like childish playground name-calling, especially from a senator who has not sponsored a single piece of successful bipartisan legislation during his entire Senate career," he said in an email to HuffPost.

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Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

Senate Majority Leaders Through The Years

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