A Sonnet For The Daylight Saving Time Haters

A Sonnet For The Daylight Saving Time Haters
A reminder to change clocks back from day light savings time in the fall, Brooklyn, New York circa 1964. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
A reminder to change clocks back from day light savings time in the fall, Brooklyn, New York circa 1964. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)

Daylight saving time is nearly over, hooray! Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour this weekend, specifically at 2 a.m. on Sunday. Here is a fun poem to help you remember.

"A Sonnet To The Return Of Standard Time"
by Caroline J. Kenney

O precious hour – return’d to me at last!
Once stolen from a dreary Sat’rday night
To put me in the dark these mornings past
Under false pretense that we’re ‘saving light’.
For energy we use does not decrease
And I, for one, can shop without the sun.
The farmers have opposed without caprice.
All Hallow’s Eve was dark when I was young.
But when the leaves around begin to turn
To colors -- ah! Vermillion tinged with gold –
And chill o’ertakes the air, I start to yearn
For that sweet stolen time to be paroled.

I’ll treasure you, dear hour, tho’ briefly. Then
In four short months, they’ll steal you back again.

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