Gun Violence In Movies Skyrockets For PG-13 Films

New Shocking Trend In Movies

Movies targeted at teens are more violent than ever. A study out of Ohio State University found that the instances of gun violence in PG-13 movies has increased in recent years.

According to reports from the study, gun violence has more than tripled in PG-13 films.

"It's shocking how gun use has skyrocketed in movies that are often marketed directly at the teen audience," study leader and Ohio State University professor Brad Bushman said. "You have to wonder why we are seeing this surge in gun violence in PG-13 movies, when it isn't appearing in G, PG and R-rated films."

Levels of gun violence in R-rated movies continued at recent rates while instances fell slightly in PG and G movies, according to Bushman's work.

The first half of 2013 was led by violence-filled movies at the domestic box office. The top three highest-grossing films by July were "Iron Man 3," "Man of Steel," and "Fast & Furious 6," all PG-13 movies with plenty of violent scenes.

There have been ongoing debates as to whether violent imagery in movies and television shows are to blame for real-life violence that takes place. Nicolas Cage, who has starred in his own fair share of violent films, gave his two cents earlier this year. "I feel horrible about the gun violence and I feel it inside," Cage said in an interview with The Independent. "I don't think movies are the reason why this violence exists, I think it's going to happen whether movies are there or not."

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