8 Photos That Prove Some Laws Should Have Never Been Written

8 Photos That Prove Some Laws Should Have Never Been Written

Did you know it was almost illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese in Wisconsin? Or that in Texas, rumors said it was against the law for children to have unusual haircuts? We sure didn't, until we saw this hilariously bizarre photo series by Olivia Locher.

Locher stumbled upon the most ridiculous regulations to have ever come close to the written law. Some made it nearer to real legislation, while others became part of a state's mythic (but not so accurate) history. Her project light-heartedly points out that no matter which state you call your own, you're probably not exempt from folk lore that outlines some seemingly senseless statutes, which have allegedly attempted to govern the use of pickles, dildos and "form-fitting" pants. How we wish we were flies on the wall at the official government meetings where those laws were debated.

Behold, 8 mythic laws that should never be real.. in photos. (Captions come courtesy of the artist.)

1. "In Alabama it’s illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at all times."

2. "In Arizona you may not have more than two dildos in a house."

3. "In California nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool."

4. "In Connecticut pickles must bounce to officially be considered pickles."

5. "In Delaware it is illegal to wear pants that are 'form-fitting' around the waist."

6. "In Hawaii coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears."

7. "In Texas it is illegal for children to have unusual haircuts."


8. "In Wisconsin it's illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese."

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