'DeskBeers' Could Make Drinking At Work A Whole Lot Easier

Drinking At Work Just Got A Whole Lot Easier

Ever find yourself hitting a wall at work and wishing... praying that someone would just bring you a beer? Well, your prayers may be getting answered. A London-based company called DeskBeers does exactly what its name implies. Every Friday, DeskBeers wants to deliver a round of craft beer straight to your desk to help you seamlessly transition into the weekend (or to make sure you never want to leave work again).

"But we want to drink at work every day, not just Fridays," you may be thinking. Don't worry. DeskBeers has "big plans," presumably to roll out beer delivery to other days of the work week. These guys know there are endless reasons to drink beer at work -- from rewarding your staff, to team-building, to getting those "creative juices flowing" -- and they want to make it as easy as possible.

On trend with many start-ups these days, DeskBeers keeps it local, focusing on craft beer from London breweries. It hopes to deliver a new brand each week, so that customers can get a taste of the wide variety London's craft breweries have to offer. It may seem no different than your average beer club -- although those tend to deliver on a monthly basis -- but DeskBeers just sounds so much better. Now we just need to get DeskBeers across the pond.

Before You Go

#1: Pabst Blue Ribbon

Bottom Shelf Beer Taste Test, 2012


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